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Jarvis Valentine vs. Crystal Zdunich


"Judas" begins to play throughout the arena. A moment later Jarvis Valentine steps out from behind the curtains. He looks out among the crowd and smiles before casually flicking his hand in a salute to them. He gets a slight pop before making his way down the ramp.

Phillips: "Introducing first, hailing from Lincoln, Nebraska, Jarvis Valentine!"

Jarvis makes his way to the side of the ring before Sliding in under the bottom rope. Quickly getting up to his feet he steps around the center of the ring, peering out amongst the fans before casually stepping over toward a corner. He rests his hands on either side of the turnbuckle while leaning in.

Sharper: "Jarvis Valentine, SCW's newest acquisition, facing off in his second match here tonight against Crystal Zdunich. Was having a competitive match last week before being interrupted by a strange video. Hopefully we can get a better match up here tonight and give one of these competitors some momentum to roll with heading into Holly-wood of the South!"

Knots: "I want to know who The One is!"

The entire arena fades to black as we are left in nothing but darkness. All of a sudden Crystal's voice can be heard all throughout the speaker systems.


As soon as that is said explosions can be heard going off as we are treated to some flame pyros. "Smile Bomb" by 17thekid plays across the speakers. Crystal Zdunich walks out from the curtains. She is accompanied by Alexandra Caldwell, and the two of them make their way to the ring. 

Phillips: "And his opponent, hailing from Los Angeles, California, she is The Burning Rose, Crystal Zdunich!"

Crystal focuses on the ring while casually slapping hands along the way of fans reaching out from the front row. Getting to ringside, she runs up the stairs and walks to the middle of the apron. She flicks her hair before she drops down into a split that gains the pop of the crowd. She slides into the ring and as soon as she is inside she kips up to her feet. She tosses her hoodie towards Alexandra before turning toward Jarvis who has turned from the corner and is now leaning against it, watching her cautiously. He stretches one arm before dropping it and stepping forward toward the center of the ring. The referee calls for the bell and Jarvis immediately goes to hook up. Crystal dodges his arms, dropping under his shoulder before trying to flip him with an arm drag. Jarvis swats her arm away before kicking her in the mid section. Grabbing her by the head he slams her hard to the mat. The crowd gives a mixed reaction from the impact as he drops down, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her back up. Crystal fights back delivering several stiff shots to the side as he locks on a headlock. Crystal tries shoving him back into the ropes to break the hold before dropping to her knees before spinning and delivering a spin kick to the ankles. He grunts but keeps the headlock in place, pulling her back to a standing position before lifting her up and going to throw her overhead with a press into a powerslam. Crystal manages to land on her feet before running forward and bouncing off the ropes. She runs back in and drops down, sliding in between his legs. As he spins around she leaps up and connects with a dropkick to the face. He falls back disoriented as she bounces off the ropes and goes for a crossbody. Catching her in mid air he drops her with a back breaker before immediately hooking both legs.



Quick kick out at two. Jarvis starts to pull Crystal back up but Crystal drops and connects with a jawbreaker staggering Jarvis back a step. He spins around into the corner before quickly turning and going for a stiff clothesline. Crystal just manages to dodge it while running and jumping off the ropes. She springboards off of the second rope and connects with a dropkick, this time knocking Jarvis off his feet. The crowd pops and she spins around on the mat before running over and jumping up onto the second turnbuckle. She steps up to the top quickly, turning to watch as Jarvis is getting to his feet before leaping off going for a flying back elbow to the back of his head. He sees her and steps out of the way letting her crash to the mat. Grabbing her by the head he pulls Crystal back up before shoving her hard into the ropes. He lifts her up and drops her face first with a high elevation flapjack. The crowd oh’s as she rolls around in pain.

Sharper: “Back and forth here, Crystal certainly has the advantage here in quickness and maneuverability but he’s making up for it with ring awareness and strength.”

Knots: She almost took that at an angle with her head being driven into the mat!”

Jarvis pulls Crystal back up before hooking her arm and suplexing her over head into the center of the ring. He quickly hooks both of her legs up to her face going for the pin.



Crystal kicks out. Pulling her up he applies a wrist lock before spinning around and going for a standing lariat. Crystal ducks the arm and jumps up from behind him before bring him down and pinning his shoulders with a crucifix pin.



Jarvis quickly kicks out before rolling to his feet. Crystal flips him over with a snapmare before flipping back to her feet. She goes for a second but Jarvis instead wraps his arms around her waist before flinging her back with a German suplex. Crystal is spiked on her head and can be seen wincing as she tries to protect herself as he pulls her up and throws her back with another German suplex before releasing. He rolls over before pulling her up. He props her up on his shoulders and raises one hand up before twirling his index finger for the audience. He spins around while launching her off of his shoulders. Crystal spins several times but manages to catch herself, landing on her feet before falling into the corner, still grasping the back of her head. Jarvis lunges forward going for a body avalanche. She drops and rolls out of the way as he hits the corner. He catches himself, planting both hands firmly on the top turnbuckle. He turns toward her as she is crawling backwards. As he is approaching she lunges forward and connects with a kick to the knee. He winces but ignores the blow, trying to get a hold of her. She dodges the hand, delivering several more shots to the leg before suddenly grabbing a hold of it and pulling up before spinning him down and over with a dragon screw.  He rolls around wincing with grabbing at his knee. Crystal proceeds to turn and springboard herself off the second rope, this time connecting with a moonsault. She quickly hooks a leg.



Jarvis presses her off of him and rotates around to stand back up. She bounces off the ropes and comes in before jumping and going for a hurricanrana. He catches her and manages to stop her momentum, holding her up. She tries frantically to drop back before delivering several shots to his face before suddenly spinning around on his shoulders and spiking him on his head with a reverse hurricanrana. The crowd pops as Jarvis stands straight back up seemingly disoriented and unable to focus. He grasps the back of his head before falling to the mat. Crystal proceeds to climb the top turnbuckle, steadying herself on the top rope before launching with 450 splash. Jarvis rolls out of the way and she crashes and burns on the mat. Both of the remain down, Jarvis slowly coming to his senses as Crystal is writhing in pain on the mat.

Lyman: “First one up here would have the advantage, both of them have been connecting with some very high impact moves, Crystal at one point trying to work and use his size against him, going for the leg to keep him down.”

Knots: “Meanwhile whenever Jarvis gets his hands on her he’s flinging her around like a rag doll!”

The referee starts a count as both roll around on the mat. 1. Jarvis grabs the bottom rope and slowly pulls himself up to a kneeling position. The referee asks him if he’s okay. Jarvis rubs his chin and shrugs, turning to smile and give the referee a thumbs up. Crystal meanwhile has pulled herself into a sitting position, watching Jarvis before slowly getting up, holding her mid section delicately. Jarvis gets up and is quick to try and catch her, Crystal barely able to move out of the way, rolling under the bottom rope. As Jarvis approaches she jumps up and slams her shoulders through the ropes into Jarvis’ gut. He falls back a step as she quickly tries springboarding herself off the top rope going for a sunset flip. Jarvis grabs the top rope with one hand while wrapping his other around both of her calves. Spinning around he pulls her up before driving her hard into the mat with a powerbomb. He keeps her legs locked before picking her up and driving her with another into the center of the ring. Suddenly the lights go out before a video begins to play on the screen

Knots: “Not again! It’s happening! What does it mean?!”

Sharper: “I don’t know what to make of it and I don’t think Jarvis does either.”

Jarvis peers up at the screen, before peering around to see if anyone is running in.

Knots: "Again! It's a message with no answers!"

Lyman: "Crystal Zdunich back to her feet!"

As Jarvis turns around Crystal throws and connects with a stiff uppercut to the jaw that nearly knocks him back. She quickly wraps an arm around his head while turning before connecting with the Flame On! As Jarvis rolls over clutching his back after having her knees driven into them she quickly rolls over and tries hooking both legs.




"Smile Bomb" begins to play throughout the arena as fans pop. Jarvis rolls over and looks up, one hand still grasping his lower back, with his other he hits the mat with his fist.

Phillips: "The winner by pinfall, Crystal Zdunich!"

She stands as the referee steps over to raise her arm.

Sharper: "Again! Another video from this mysterious arrival and Crystal able to capitalize on the distraction to pick up a win here tonight!"

Knots: "Still no sign of who they are! They really seem to like Jarvis. Or dislike.Or both, who knows?!"


Backstage, we see Tommy Valentine stepping out of the office of Shaun Cruze. He stops and turns back.


Tommy: “She better have a chance when she’s back. Selena can say what she wants. I don’t trust her.”


Tommy storms off as the crowd buzzes.


Sharper: “Tommy clearly animated. Stepping up for Kandis.”


Lyman: “Interesting given his own history with that title. But shows how Tommy’s going to bat for Kandis. And the tension still there between Tommy and Selena!”


Sharper: “More to come here on Breakdown after this!”


The scene fades to black.



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