Welcome to our New home
Welcome to the brand new of SCW superstar Jarvis Valentine. Here you will find many things. First, you will be able to read up on your favorite superstar and learn things from his childhood to how he became a wrestler.
Secondly you will be able to keep up with Jarvis in his current run with SCW. All of Mr. Valentine's promos will be posted to this site first before it goes live on SCW servers.
Bookmark us so you don not miss any action from the home of Jarvis Valentine.

Latest Promos
.: Shortly after Jarvis's Draw :.
"Who the fuck was that playing that video?" Jarvis asks a production guy while screaming. Just moments before, Jarvis was distracted by a video to be awarded a draw in his debut match in SCW......
The Journy Begins
Latest Match
"Crystal proceeds to climb the top turnbuckle, steadying herself on the top rope before launching with 450 splash. Jarvis rolls out of the way and she crashes and burns on the mat. Both of the remain down, Jarvis slowly coming to his senses as Crystal is writhing in pain on the match.
Valentine vs Zdunich
JV Facts
Jarvis was once a writer for the Lincoln Journal Star. He would write feel good stories about Central and Eastern Nebraska
Roxi is Jarvis's girlfriend who he has been with for a year
This is most likely his last run with-in wrestling