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The Journey Begins

Time: 8:00 pm ct

Date: 4/12/2022

Location: Somewhere in Nebraska

Match: Jarvs vs. Crystal C.

.:Shortly after Jarvis's Draw:.


"Who the fuck was that playing that video?" Jarvis asks a production guy while screaming. Just moments before, Jarvis was distracted by a video to be awarded a draw in his debut match in SCW.


"I do... don't know sir!" The production guy says with a worried voice.


"Listen," JV begins. "By next week if you do not find out, I'll kick your ass! You understand?" The man shakes his head before Jarvis lets go of him. The member of the production crew takes of running.  

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"Roxi?" Jarvis can be heard yelling across a modest looking apartment. "Can you bring me my pants from the dryer please?" Jarvis continues to yell talking to Roxi. "Last weeks match was bogus baby! That match should have been mine but no, some jackass decided to put their nose where it doesn't belong!"


By this time Roxi is entering the bedroom with a pair of pants in hand. She hands them off to Jarvis before walking into the bathroom for just a second before walking back out.


"You know J, I would have had that match over before that video even played." Roxi states with a stern voice getting Jarvis attention. A moment passes before Roxi starts laughing, poking fun at Jarvis.


"Very funny!" Jarvis snaps with a chuckle.


"You better get your shit together for this match coming up," Roxi states. "You don't want to lose to another girl do you?" Roxi busts out laughing as Jarvis sits numb.


"Roxi, you are walking a fine line here sweetheart," he says. "And also, that wasn't a loss either. It was a draw. Again, it wasn't my fault either. If that person didn't,,,"


Roxi interrupts Jarvis. "Baby, some days you have to do what you preach. Sometimes you have to take responsibility for your actions. You could have ignored the video and continued your match and took her out before turning to the video. Hell, you probably would have had better results. If they truly wanted to attack or have something to do with you, they would face you like a man. Face to face and not playing stupid games."


Jarvis looks at Roxi before giving her a hug and kiss on the forehead. "I love you baby," Jarvis says with a smile. "I know and your right baby. I need to keep focus on the task at hand. That is to get to a position where I can retire happy from this business."


While sitting at the bar that separates the living room and the kitchen. On the kitchen side Jarvis sits as Roxi goes to the other side and sets down and faces Jarvis.


"Look baby," she begins. "You cannot go at this like you have in the past. You get excited at first sure, but then you don't get the storyline you want, or you don't grow with the roster for whatever reason."


She continues. "This time you need your heart in it. You say this is the last run before you retire from this sport for good. Why not give it your best and see where it might take you?"


They both look at each other for a moment before she continues. "What about your next match? Who are you face and do you know anything about them?"


"Yea," Jarvis states. "Her name is Crystal, and she is a former SCW Television Champ. So, she must have talent if she can hold gold here in SCW. Other than that, I don't know anything. I'm going in blind once again, but that's to be expected. I still have a lot of learning to do here in SCW." Jarvis gets up from his chair and walks to the fridge before opening the door and grabbing a beer. He walks over to the living room window and takes a drink of his freshly opened beer. 


As he puts the beer on the ledge of the window his phone chimes. He pulls it out of his pocket and looks at it. He chuckles a little bit before turning back to Roxi.


"My phone just told me Ellon Musk is about to buy twitter," Jarvis says with a chuckle. "I guess he wants free speech for everyone around the world and twitter now, does not allow that so he wants to take it over. He is the largest shareholder of twitter." He pauses for a moment before getting a smile. "You see all this stars going down for crimes like Depp who might be going for murder, then you have these stars chaining how they look. Now this. It is all coming together Roxi!"

Roxi shakes her head. "I can't wait for your sake, when all this pans out. Then you can shut up about it."


Jarvis cuts her off quickly laughing.


"Are you kidding me," Jarvis asks. "I'll be talking about it even more and you know for sure I will be rubbing it in people's faces, right? I have been called many things ever since I called covid before it was even a thing here in the states. Twenty twenty-two will be an amazing year for things that are coming out. It is also a good year for a lot of big names to fall including political figures like Hillary. Not to mention Obama, Bush, Fauci and many more."


Jarvis looks at Roxi and she gives him a playful stare telling him to shut up. Jarvis walks over to her and picks her up off her chair and gives her a kiss as the scene fades.   


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